Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blue-Sky thinking

The tide was out, the cup of tea hot and sweet, and the sky was clear.  Today I spent some time on Felixstowe beach letting the right-hand side of my brain go on a rampage.  To add to the bliss, I was using a a new fountain pen I bought last weekend as a trial before, perhaps, investing in a more expensive instrument.  Pen, ink, paper and blue-sky thinking.  And getting there and back by motorbike.  Heaven is a state of mind.
The government has announced a draft communications bill to force telephone companies and internet service providers keep records of all our communications.  Aside from the fact that everyone's PC does this already if they run Windows (Google index.dat files) and that onion networking by-passes what they want to achieve, I'm certain the bill will have no problems going through.  I've made a request to see my MP (Baby Ben) to explain my thoughts on the issue ...
Try not to do the stupid things that stupid people do.

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