Monday, November 12, 2012

Astrology? No thanks.

It turns out I'm a witch. It turns out I've been a witch for most of my adult life – I just wasn't aware of the fact. While out shopping on Saturday, I picked up a kind of Witchcraft For Dummies book as reference material for a character's background and begun reading it yesterday. Turns out I'm a witch. From what I understand so far, everything I've believed about having a connection with the natural world (and indeed, the universe) falls within the parameters of witchcraft. (So does Neo-Paganism, apparently – and that's no bad thing.) However, I shan't be rushing out to stock up on crystals, even though I can get my head around the idea of inanimate objects possessing a soul. And until someone can point me in the direction of the scientific, peer-reviewed paper, published in a respected scientific journal demonstrating the correlation between a full moon and fundamental discernable personality changes, I think I'll also pass on astrology. From my limited understanding of quantum mechanics, I do appreciate that a change in an electron's energy level can theoretically effect another's on the other side of the universe, but until there is proof positive that the mass of moon affects people's moods (other than a swing caused by its visual appearance) then I'm not going to accept that the markedly diminished effect of Jupiter rising in Sagittarius is paving the way for new horizons because of when I was born. Still, I can appreciate the beauty of such a sight and feel affinity with the vastness of it all and I don't mind being called a witch because I do so.
But just how I'm going to incorporate all this into a sub-plot character without preaching remains to be seen ...
Don't do stupid – it's just not clever.
Total recorded cycled miles since 21st July 2012: 1810  

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