Friday, December 07, 2012

Zombie Fest

The rustic sound of shotguns being fired is such a regular occurrence on the route through Bucklesham, Kirton and Falkenham which I frequently use as a basic cycle ride, that it has merged into the backdrop of the everyday. Until now, that is. Today I cycled just over seventeen miles (please note the implication that, yes, I went out in this weather) taking just over an hour and a quarter. In that time and distance, I counted at least twenty-three blasts from various firearms.  Now, either the Christmas cull of zombies has begun early in Suffolk, or nature is taking a battering. (I'm assuming here that if you're going out shooting with a shotgun, you may just be reasonably proficient with it.) What with the road kill prospects and the frequency with which hunters discharge shot at them, I don't think the wildlife in Suffolk has any danger of dying of old age. Mind you, I did see an enormous pheasant earlier in the year. If it put on some different feathers, it would win first prize in a turkey lookalike competition. But being as we are close to Christmas, I'll be surprised if it would make it to New Year ...
I now weigh a little over thirteen stone. Since I started the year at sixteen, I believe I must be doing something right.
Don't do stupid – it's just not clever.
Total recorded cycled miles since 21st July 2012: 1989
Max speed ever recorded:  35.6 mph

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