Tuesday, January 06, 2015

The variety of dullness.

And so a new year begins after a hiatus involving too much food and occasionally too much alcohol, but the thought processes have been working away in the background.
This week I will be mainly getting to grips with both the first major scene in my next work and with the business of promotion of previous work. The latter has to be a colossal effort to make any sort of impact and it is this aspect of today's writing necessities for any author wanting to make a living that I find really taxes my resources of stamina. It also sometimes vaguely feels as if I am wasting some precious source of imagination that could be used in creating sentences, paragraphs and chapters to entertain others, i.e. You.
Still, I can think of far worse ways to start a year.
Here's dull picture of some sheep blissfully aware of what lies in store for them.

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