Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Little Shop of Ideas

I don't say this as in I'm-proud-about-this-and-aren't-I-quite-clever, because I am a living example of pride before fall, but I've never had any real problem with coming up with ideas. (The dilemma is sorting the good from the duff and executing them.) I tell people who ask where I get them that there's a little shop in Ipswich which sells ideas – though you haver to prove you're a registered writer to get them. This morning I had to justify a chapter and it needed the meat of  a quality reason or risk being deleted. So, after popping out to the shop, the solution practically wrote itself.
Once again, this is not said with pride – just the observation that isn't wonderful how the brain works? I don't consider myself anything really special in this department, I think that it's just the way my head has become wired over the years and by having the time to spend thinking in this way.
For about a year I have had the theme to Danger Man on my mobile. A couple of weeks ago I bought the DVD set. Every episode I have watched so far has been a cracker and I may just have to record the music to get a better copy for my ringtone. But that does raise an interesting question about possibly breaching copyright and, as I say:
Don't do stupid – it's just not clever.

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